Monday, August 30, 2010

No Excuses Blogging

I'm going to have to challenge myself to blog--no excuses, no whining.

Right after I whine about a few of my excuses.

I work in an office I share with thirteen other adjuncts. There's been a bit of a turf war for the two computers, along with some grumbling that one of the adjuncts, a nun, "doesn't know how to share." As far as I can tell at the moment, "sharing" seems to mean exactly what a big SUV driver means when he talks about "sharing the road," i.e. "get the hell out of my way."

Due to my schedule, I'm trapped in the office from 10:00 to 1:00, but I've been reluctant to blog lest it seem I'm frivolously hogging the computer. It's bad enough that I have to get on Hulu and YouTube to look for Shakespeare film clips.

Anyhoo, I've got to figure it out and stop making excuses.

One plus has been that I spend those three hours prepping for the next class meeting, which means I have more free time in the evenings and mornings. I'm getting lots of knitting done.

One recent Thursday, I was helping Rachel do inventory when I came across this single skein of hand-spun yarn, which she had over-dyed. She swears she hadn't intended it to be purple, green, and gold. She cursed me for infiltrating her subconscious. I decided I was doing her a favor by removing its offending presence from her stash and knitting it into something for me.

I can't wait until it's chilly enough to wear. Although, as frosty as my office "climate" has been of late, maybe I can wear it to work.


Stephanie Ann said...

I know, sometimes you have to just sit yourself down and force yourself to blog! But I always feel better after I write a bit. The colors of that swatch are lovely, I can't wait to see what you do with it.

7-letter Deborah, never a Deb said...

Whoops! That is the whole thing--it's actually a feather & fan cowl laid flat. It was super fast to knit.