First, gratuitous Steuey:

Second, the LaLa Scarf from Greetings from Knit Cafe.

I had spotted the book, Greetings from Knit Cafe, in the past and kind of blew it off. I had seen a lot of name-dropping, look-at-how-glamorous-knitting-in-Hollywood-is books and this one in particular didn't impress me. The projects were really basic ("Let's pretend we're designers and add a few stripes to a basic knee sock pattern"), and the felted saddle blanket (yep, for an actual horse) made from fourteen balls of Kureyon kind of pissed me off.
Fourteen balls! Kureyon!! Fourteen!!! for a horse blanket!!!! I'm not quite as pissed as I was about the cat sweater made from three balls of Prism angora, but close. Plus, there were lots of knitted skirt or slip dress patterns too. Knitted skirts and slip dress patterns piss me off too because I can never ever wear them. Worse, the girl modelling the mohair slip dress pattern (which is adorable) in this book is posing with a giant cake. Who are they kidding? I can provide personal evidence that one cannot combine mohair slip dresses and cake eating.
Thanks to Ravelry, I gave the book a second glance when I was trying to find a pattern for the Haiku. There's some cute stuff in there after all. Part of what I liked on second glance were the yarn choices: Rowan Denim, Blue Sky Alpaca Silk.
That said, get the book from the library. Greetings from Knit Cafe is worth the cost of overdue fines, but not necessarily $25.
Ok, I can hear you saying these things. I mean, your voice is very clear here. And you make me laugh.
Steuey is so freakin' cute!
Mohair slip dress...I'm itchy scratchy just thinking about it! And definitely, cake would be a bad idea. :)
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