Sort of.
I'm ignoring the fact that I forgot to bring my roll book for one class today. I'm ignoring the note from the writing tutor concerned that one of my students was on drugs. I'm ignoring the student who burst into tears when I took her cell phone away for the rest of the class. I'm ignoring the fact that only three out of twenty-six students passed the reading quiz. I've simply decided it's going to be a pretty good semester.
I teach four classes this semester at two different schools with a total of three different preps. Teaching summer school always rebuilds my reservoirs of energy and of cash and of good will. I suspect the first two are somehow related to the third.
I found enough time over the weekend to knit a purse, currently blocking:

I used every last scrap of a ball of Noro Silk Garden. I actually ran out just at the the last row and a quarter. Certainly, I would have some Noro in my stash and not need another $11 ball of yarn just for one row. Nope. Apparently every time I knit with Noro I end up using every last little bit of it and then some. I took a strand of tweedy grey Sirdar Country DK and strand of a heathery purple Rowan Yorkshire Tweed 4-Ply fingering, held them together and finished that purse.
The two fabrics (to be the lining and pockets) were also culled from my stash. That cash reserve from summer school is long gone.
I also found time to do some cooking. The title was Green Tomato Something-or-Other. It was some kind of fancy-pants word for pizza: caramelized onions, paper-thin slices of green tomatoes, and anchovies on puff pastry.

I also found time to give the fancy-pants dog a bath.
Feel free to embiggen these. I dare you.
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