Monday, February 09, 2009


Almost two years ago, the sound of my squeals of delight startled customers at a LYS. I had found just about the perfect Mardi Gras yarn, fingering weight yarn in a colorway called "Crocus Valley" by Gypsy Girl Creations.**

I wish I could say I had grand ideas for what this yarn could be. I didn't. The possibilities seemed so infinite that I couldn't even think of a single option.

The yarn has sat in my tub of Mardi Gras yarn ever since, languishing. And yes, I have a tub of Mardi Gras yarn. Doesn't everyone?

On Friday, with a pang of desparation to knit something, anything, for Mardi Gras, I fell back on my old standby, the Koigu Neck Cozy, of which I've made eight.

I'm happy to have it all in all, but I'm wishing I had taken the time to make something more inventive.

**Whenever I tried to open their site, spyware popped up. I emailed them & hopefully they'll fix it, but in the meantime, I'm not linking to them.

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