Thursday, May 29, 2008

Knitting Photos? Hah!

I don't have any. But I've been knitting. In fact, I just began a gauge swatch for a sweater, although I have 2 incomplete summer sweaters at the moment as well as several more in deep hibernation. Instead, I have a photo of two 1860s pins I found at an antique mall a few weeks ago. The black one is a gutta percha (I think) cameo and the gold is a hollow gold pin with squash and an ear of corn on it.

My camera takes unpardonably bad photos, but here goes.

The corn pin will always remind me of a funny posting I read about the absurd degrees which the quest for authenticity can take. One guy asked facetiously, "If you are at an event and swimming in the river and a turd floats by, but the corn in it is a hybrid corn that wasn't available during the Civil War, will your 'magic moment' be ruined?"

LB and I laugh about that a lot.


Tempest ina Pot of Tea said...

I'm sorry, but if I am anywhere and a turd floats by the magic moment is ruined!

Suzy Rust said...

Those brooches are gorgeous. Jealous! BTW, have you read A Confederate In The Attic? I read it after finding some really cool old junk at a flea market behind a Jerseyville CW renactment. I understand wanting to live in the past, if only for a moment....

7-letter Deborah, never a Deb said...

I loved that book. It's really controversial among reenactors, but I found it really inspiring. He's a great writer.