married, knitter, wearer of pet hair, dancer, little bit of a rock star. Oh, and if I mention anything about students, rest assured that I have changed their names, gender, age, and any other identifying features. Or maybe I don't even teach and am making it all up.
Roughly, it means, "Finally, I can stay warm all winter. I can knit just like my grandmother."
One of my favorite pages is Bable Fish. The translations are sometimes quite rough, but it can give you a rough approximation of just about anything.
From my high school French recollections and Babble Fish, here's my take: "Finally, so mine stay warm all winter, I will knit like my Grandma."
Or the more prosaic: "At last I can knit, like my Grandmother did, to keep warm through the winter."
Oops - the address for Babel Fish (which I misspelled above) is
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