Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Knitting Resolutions

In 2008, my knitting goals were to make 12 charity items, a pair of socks for LB, try entrelac, and complete an afghan I'd begun in 1994. Check, check, check, and check.

The entrelac went down to the wire, but yesterday I cast on a basic scarf in Kureyon. I even learned to knit backwards, which caused about 2.5 seconds of pure panic when I suddenly couldn't remember which way I "normally" wrapped yarn.

A loud shriek and a huge welling of panic ensued. How could this be?

Fortunately, I just told myself that no matter what, I could always knit into the back loop, and then my muscle memory recovered itself.

As far as 2009 knitting resolutions, I don't have any major ones, except for the following:
  • I would like to will keep my craft room tidy.* It is a true luxury to have a craft room of my own, one that isn't the dining room table, a closet, the basement, or a corner of the guest room. I need to be more worthy of such a space.
  • I will knit 12 charity items this year, probably focusing on pet squares.
  • I will finish the Calliope jacket I cast on back in May and the chenille ballet sweater I cast on back in April.
  • I will knit one two three pairs of socks.

*The power of language, folks. It's a serious thing.


yoel said...

You are indeed a very lucky lady to have a craft room aka zen meditation happy place. Congrats on following through on all your knitting 2008 resolutions!

Rachel said...

Yeahhhhh...sorry about making you forget how to knit. It's my evil power.