Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Cracking the Ice

Temperatures are in the 20s today, and I'm recovering from a cold, but the first day of the year is as good a day as any to dip my toe back into this blog. I've never been so happy to see the back end of a year as I have with 2012, which was a slog from beginning to end. A friend of mine weighed out the balance of good and bad in his own year, and I'm resolved to do the same. My friend had a heart attack in 2012. Certainly, all of us had a better year than Whitney Houston, right?

On the plus side:

  • I've been growing as a rock star, and I'm finally booking some national gigs 
  • I taught two eight-week classes in how to be a rock star
  • I had a full load of courses to teach each semester, a blessing given deep budget cuts.
  • Knitting friends
  • Musician friends
  • We successfully raised every chick in our first attempt, and I was able to sell off the surplus at a tidy profit. I've even been selling eggs now and then. The gals are fat, happy, and most importantly, productive.
  • The cutest, smartest, most loving pup on the planet
  • I got a really glowing teaching evaluation
  • A dang fine husband, on balance
  • I discovered my reserves were deeper than I had previously imagined.

May 2013 be a year of renewal. I had decided not to make any resolutions this year, but can't seem to help myself. This year, I vow to go to more drag shows.

1 comment:

  1. I like "on balance".

    I would buy eggs on weeks when you have too many.
