Monday, March 05, 2012

Musical Chairs

LB and I hosted five musicians last week, in town auditioning for a State Department music/diplomacy program. It was a whole lot of closeness and apparently eight pots of coffee a day, but it all worked out. Sherman enjoyed all the laps to snuggle on, whether there was room for him or not.

I feel really fortunate when I house musicians (or any traveller, really). We don't have much money, but the ability to say "Sure, you can stay with us. Tonight? No problem. How many of you are there?" is a real blessing. We live a block from a shopping district, have an extra vehicle to loan out, and can sleep five to seven guests comfortably. Lucky, I say.

Last night, we got comped tickets to see Foghorn Stringband. Nadine, the base player, noticed my knitting and asked me to look at her cabled i-pad cover. She felt it didn't look like the photo in the pattern. The more I thought about it, I think the designer did some major photoshopping to highlight the contrast between her cable and the background. The photo looked almost unnatural.

Not much of a story there, really, just a reminder to myself that, all things considered, things are pretty good.


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Love that!

  2. I love this post! All is good when there are cats and musical friends.
