As of yesterday, my package is winging its way to England, so we now enter the phase where I start to anxiously await my own surprise. During this phase, I pester LB with phone calls every afternoon, asking if my package has yet arrived and making him swear that he will drop whatever he is doing and bring me my package wherever I am. LB does not enjoy this phase of swapping.
First, I made this project bag from mairuru. You can see 4 of the 8 different red/white fabrics I used. I embroidered a Dala horse onto one side because my spoilee likes a Scandinavian Christmas. My first New Year's resolution of 2012 is to embroider more. I clearly know how to do it, but won't get better without practice.

For the pattern, I had picked Catkin, so I asked Rachel to dye some semi-solids. I asked Suzanne for some red stitch markers, and I picked out 8 shell buttons to go down the side. My spoilee likes Addi Lace needles. I think she has exquisite taste.

For extra goodies, I noted that my spoilee is knitting the hexipuff quilt, so I made 40+ mini-skeins for her.

Finally, I tossed in some candy and some local tea from Traveling Tea. My spoilee had asked for candy corn. Rather than buy the stuff that was 75% off after Halloween, I decided she needed Xmas candy corn, leading to an epic quest of at least 9 stores and a facebook plea for help. I finally found some gingerbread-flavored candy corn.

Then I wrapped everything in vintage wrapping paper and whined until Rachel mailed it all for me.

I should probably call LB to see if my package is here yet.
I hope she appreciated your generous gift!