It's adorable, with room for her beautiful white Arab, Air; her chickens, Little Brown Betty and friends; and her Angora rabbit, Sweetpea. There's a pond and woods and a gorgeous view.
I got to meet Ann's knit group but didn't get to knit much. I was too busy convincing Steu that the bunny did NOT want to be his friend. A few weeks ago, Steu met a bunny, and after grooming the bunny's ears, Steu decided he loves bunnies. Loves, loves, loves bunnies. Lovesbunnies lovesbunnies OMG! lovesloveslovesLOVES!!!!!! bunnies.
A bit like Lennie Small, actually.
We worked on it and by the end, Steu was able to sit by the bunny crate and look at the bunny longingly but without shouting out to the bunny, "OMG BUNNY!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! SOOOOOO MUCH!!! I LOOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOU!!!!"
The bunny, being ever aware of his prey status, seemed relieved.
Afterwards, we stopped at an antique store where I found this nifty little dealie:
Perfectly timed for Thanksgiving, it's a thimble case made from a wishbone, a bit of ribbon, and lots and lots of crochet thread.
I love it. Just not as much as Steu loves bunnies, of course.
I know this blog is about you, and you're great but...I love your puppy!!
I wanna see chickies! We bought plans today to build our coop.
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