I hadn't posted in a few days because I had lots and lots of food pictures and no knitting pictures.
I'm working on a sock. I've already talked about the sock. The end.
Plus, someone commented on my new "food blog" and I felt guilty. It's a knitting blog.
Everybody eats. Not everybody knits.
Knitting blog.
I am still working on the sock, but I do have the potential of, the possibility of knitting to show.

I didn't stop with the book though. Obviously I bought yarn as well, to make the tube scarf.
The instructions call for knitting two different-colored scarves, one in stockinette and one in lace, seaming together the long sides and then putting the short sides together to make a tube. Initially, I thought about doing color work, so I wouldn't have to seam the long sides, but the gauges for lace and stockinette are significantly different both in row and stitch. Two scarves it is.
I have decided, however, to use a provisional cast-on and kitchener the ends.
Note that the scarf is not a project using up the yarn languishing in my stash. Nope. That will have to come another day.
I'm definitely a girl for instant gratification.
Speaking of which, the food, with Fair Shares ingredients in parentheses:
- Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken (Companion buns, sunflower sprouts, onions). Recipe from Penzey's. I was bound and determined to use up all the spouts this time, so they'll pop up in all kinds of weird places this week. LB really likes them, says they're one of the few things you can eat that's still alive. Me, I have childhood trauma associated with sprouts, so they're more of a challenge for me. Very, very good recipe--but halve it. It makes enough for a Super Bowl party.
- Elotes (corn)--I've covered this before, but I'm grabbing the opportunity to show off my Portmeirion:
- Ploughman's (Companion buns, cheddar, cherry tomatoes). As far as I'm concerned Branston Pickle is the perfect condiment and I wanted something simple for dinner. I'm not terribly impressed with the cheese as it had almost none of the wang I love from Cheddars ("wang I love"? Really, did I just say that?). Plate from Hess Pottery. Some fancy magazine wrote an article on his pie plates and he got so famous for them that he has no time to make anything else. I have a variety of his older pieces.
- Hot Browns (tomato, Companion buns)--one of LB's favorites. I use a recipe from Southern Living, but there's lots available online. History here. That's Denby pottery if you're curious.
- Taco salad (tortilla chips, salsa, sprouts, tomatoes, ground beef)--my secret taco salad ingredient is a glug of old-fashioned French dressing, not the melon-orange kind, the real stuff. The tortilla chips were some of the best I've had, clearly home made, but with no label I've no idea where they're from. I didn't like the salsa when we first got it (too hot, too tomato-saucy tasting), but this used up the last of it.
- Mini-souffles and fruit (eggs, sprouts, cheese, cantaloupe, peach). The angle makes it hard to tell, but these came out great, lovely and tall. I used buttered parchment paper held on with silicone rubber bands.
- egg-white omelet and fruit (eggs, cheddar, tomatoes, sprouts, cantaloupe). I don't generally take many omelet pictures, since they're nothing particularly to be proud of, but what the hell.
Why so many egg whites? Because I found the absolute most perfect, new all-time favorite dessert.
- Sabayon (eggs, figs, peaches)--apparently elsewhere it's called zabaglione. I don't care. I love it. He-who-is-sparing-with-his-praise loves it. I modified the recipe from Country Egg, City Egg, one of my favorite cookbooks. To make it for two, whisk together 4 egg yolks, 1/3 c sugar, then add 2/3 c champagne. Simmer over a double boiler for 3 minutes, whisking constantly. Have faith. At 2.5 minutes something magic will happen. Keep whisking. Oh. My. God. Serve with fresh fruit and more champagne. Keep making every night until you run out of champagne. Crave every night thereafter.
Sure, everyone eats, but not everyone eats well.
This is some good lookin' food!
Also, the tortilla chips are from San Luis.
You're doing such a good job of cooking up all that food, and well! So far for me, figs, peaches, green peppers, pea shoots, and who (not whom) knows what else has rotted before I could eat them!
That Sabayon looks good, although I'd just drink the champagne plain :)
STOP! You are making me gain weight just drooling on your pictures. I want to eat at your house.
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