First, came a trio of scarves which I temporarily braided together. I like the idea of loaning them out to two other friends. The yarn is Crystal Palace Splash. Or as Annie says "OH!" with a sharp intake of breath, "That's really . . . yellow."

Then came the coozie for a 2 by 4, at LB's request. The yarn is Cascade Fixation, whose elastic properties make for a great can condom.

Next came a scarf pattern I designed for the Mardi Gras kick-off party at my LYS. The yarn is Rowan's Cotton Glace. I asked Yma to pay me back for all the lap sitting by acting as model.

In progress is a stole, based on the Chevron Scarf pattern in Dyeabolical Yarns. While I am expected to be at her disposal all day, Yma clearly has a lower tolerance.

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