Monday, November 19, 2007


I have made extensive progress on the EZ ribwarmer--I've finished one sleeve, begun the second, and because I get sidetracked, have also begun the i-cord. No pictures, because I forgot.

So much for the obligatory knitting content.

And in honor of Suzy, who feels her junking blog has been taking over by knitting content, feel free to get sidetracked by my latest junk store finds:

Clockwise from upper left

  • a gingham appliance cover they had mislabeled as a hat. I have my great-grandmother's covering several appliances, so I suppose I'll have to find something else to cover (25 cents)
  • a roll of black cotton bias tape. It's hard to find bias tape in cotton (25 cents)
  • an oak leaf and acorn handkerchief (50 cents)
  • several yards of real wool braid, as in soutache. They just don't make stuff like this anymore (25 cents)
  • Seven pique, cotton, and linen collars (50 cents each)

I'm pretty darn pleased with the haul.

1 comment:

Suzy Rust said...

Oh, I love those adorable collars! Junking really is as much fun as knitting.