Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Price of Fame

I knit a wee bit today, making progress on the sleeves on my EZ ribwarmer. I'm liking knitting sleeves from the top down as the rounds get progressively smaller.

On Sunday night when I was so sore and tired, I thought, "Knit Night is the day after the day after tomorrow."

On Monday, when I was still sore and tired, taught two classes, had six student conferences, and set up a private Civil War dinner for forty, I thought, "Knit Night is the day after tomorrow."

Today, when I graded quizzes, stared at the mountains of unpacked stuff from the weekend, had four student conferences to which only one student showed up, and then had to balance the books for a failing business, I thought "Knit Night is tomorrow."

But now, I can't go to Knit Night. Instead, I'll be learning how to be a better rock star.


Annie said...

I can't go either -- I have to learn to sing Gaelic better. Like that'll happen.

See you next week.

Rachel said...

Rock star training is very important. With any luck I will be at home asleep during knit night. Ha! Like that will happen. We'll miss you, Rockstar!